Common Pitfalls In employment

Common Pitfalls in Employment

Employers expect that their employees are productive and deliver at a minimum what are expected from them. Productivity is expected but the reality is that productivity is quite difficult to maintain. Employees during the early part of a project tend to be productive but in the latter part productivity wavers.

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Here are some productivity pitfalls that affect employment:

Procrastination – is putting off doing something that needs to be done. A project that is due in two weeks will not be done until the due date. Some people procrastinate due to lack of time or anxiety in dealing with a certain task, but some people are habitual procrastinators. These people really wait until the last minute before they start doing what needs to be done. They think that there’s a certain adrenaline rush and pressure that makes them more productive during the last minute and beating the deadline is treated like a game.
Perfectionism – is a disposition where anything short of perfection is unacceptable. It’s a personality trait that leads to setting very high-performance standards, critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others’ opinions. Perfectionism is counter-productive as it leads to a person not wanting to delegate a task, rather for that person to do all the tasks on his own. After all, if you want a task done right, then do it yourself. This is a perfectionist’s motto which defies teamwork.
Distraction – is a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else. Distraction can also be a person, place or event that redirects a person’s attention from a task at hand to another thing. Distraction keeps you from being productive by wasting your time in entertaining distractions.
Boredom – is experienced when someone is left without anything to do or when someone is not interested in his surroundings or when someone feels that a day is dull. Boredom in the workplace leads to job dissatisfaction and disengaged employees which affect productivity.
These pitfalls can be avoided and should be avoided at all costs as these affect employment and may lead to losing your job. Here are some ways to avoid these pitfalls:

1) Procrastination

a. Create a to-do list

b. Complete unpleasant tasks first

c. Set deadlines for tasks both short-term and long-term

2) Perfectionism

a. Delegate tasks to others

b. Stop comparing your work with other’s work

c. Acknowledge that there are different ways to solve a problem

d. Set deadlines for projects

3) Distraction

a. Politely tell people that you are working on a deadline

b. Avoid surfing for pleasure

c. Create a to-do list

d. Avoid people, place or thing that steals your attention

4) Boredom

a. Ask for work

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b. Be proactive

c. Collaborate with coworkers

These are just a few things that can help an employee to avoid the common pitfalls in employment. In the end, it is still the employee’s decision whether to be productive at all costs or to be unproductive sometimes. What’s important is that the employee is aware that there is a pit that he might fall into is he keeps on doing what he’s done in the past without proper self-evaluation.

Best Time to go For The PMP Certification Training

According to PMI, the new format for the PMPĀ® certification exam is scheduled to be implemented from 26 March 2018. This means anyone who is going to take the PMPĀ® exam prior to the date will undergo the topics based on the PMBOK Guide fifth edition.

It is obvious that many of us may have the question whether to get certified before March 2018 or after March 2018. The most humble answer to the question is to get certified as early as possible before the new format hits the market.

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The justification for the answer is given below:

For many of us, new things are always vague. Likewise, we are not aware of the surprises that the new exam format will bring in terms of the questions, difficulty levels, and scoring methods.

Are you aware that the PMI has recently changed the scoring scale from 3-level domain proficiency rating to 4-level proficiency rating, which means you already need to put more efforts to clear the existing exam.

You can find abundant training materials and information resources for the current PMBOK edition, however, you’ll feel restricted for the new format.

To pass the new exam, you must put double efforts to ensure that nothing has left behind.

However, one good thing about the new exam is that

Getting certified on the PMBOK guide Sixth edition will disclose your updated skills on the project management practices, which eventually doubles your market value.

What should I do now?

If you’re aiming to clear the certification exam based on the PMBOK fifth edition, then you should act upon immediately. The days are counting, and you’ve left with only 5 more months to prepare for the exam. Understand the severity and plan accordingly, make sure to hit the floor with no stone left unturned. To help you out, we have a plan ready for you and what all you need to do is just stick to it.

Why First Aid Training at The Workplace is Essential

No matter what kind of business you work within or own, it’s important to have adequate training for health and safety. This is where first aid training comes in, which is vital for employees to possess as it can mean potentially saving someone’s life and helping people in risky situations. Unfortunately, there are quite a number of reasons why people don’t seek out to complete a first aid course, with some reasons being: they think they have enough knowledge, they aren’t aware of how to obtain one or they don’t think accidents will ever happen to them or someone they know. Despite these reasons, many individuals who undertake first aid or industrial safety training will always say it’s well worth it. And so here we’ll cover some of the largest benefits of such training and why it makes it essential for not only the workplace but also day to day life.

Being able to stay calm in emergency situations

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If someone completed first aid training it undoubtedly saves lives in the event where people need help. When appropriate first aid is given this can in some cases improve the recovery time of the person in need, especially when the person is at risk of developing a disability from an injury. Additionally, having completed a first aid course, you’ll have the ability to calm the person in need and in other emergency situations. Some of the skills you’ll pick up during the course will be relevant acronyms to remember which will ultimately help the situation. The more comfortable you are in the situation the better you’ll be at handling it, and this translates to a lot of things in life. If you work within an industry which uses heavy machinery or in an environment where there’s high risk for injury, it’s critical to have completed industrial safety training here too, as many more serious situations can occur.

Non-hospital related incidents

As well as first aid being important in the workplace, not every situation you’ll find yourself in when needing to help someone will require the ambulance service or hospital visit. But, even so, having the basic skills learnt from first aid training can mean being able to help a child in need, say if they grazed themself or sprained something. You’ll pick up the relevant knowledge to administer what’s necessary to a child or person in this situation. These basic first aid skills will help you bring comfort to any person requiring help.

Boost yours and your company’s confidence

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Ultimately, if you have completed a first aid course you will gain a lot more confidence to administer any first aid treatment, along with the knowledge of how to do so. Like already mentioned, it’s supportive of yourself to know what to do whenever this kind of reality arises and someone requires first aid, and therefore helps you be confident in yourself to know how to deal with the unfortunate situation of someone hurt.

Being knowledgeable in industrial safety training in risky environments, will undoubtedly help to prevent accidents from happening. It’s critical all staff on any industrial site are first aid trained, so they can prevent as well as provide help in the bad situations.

If you need more information on what’s involved in these courses mentioned above, your chosen training provider can enlighten you on what’s involved with each course, what you’ll learn from it, how it’s transferable to a variety of work situations and what qualification you’ll get out of it. Ultimately, it’s another skill to have under your belt when it comes to new work situations, as well as if emergencies arise in day to day life.